Zone Details
Grantee Information
Port Authority of NY and NJ
Hudson County, New Jersey in its entirety and those portions of Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Union, and Somerset Counties, New Jersey included within the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey's jurisdiction known as the Port District.
NJ, Newark
Dan Gastaldi
4 World Trade Center -17th Floor, 150 Greenwich Street
New York
Site Number Site Name Status Activated Acres Sunset/Expiration Date
001 Port Newark/Elizabeth Port Authority Marine Terminal Active 123
002 Global Terminal and Container Services Not Active 0 05/31/2025 (S)
017 Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. Approved 0 08/31/2027 (S)
018 Schenker, Inc. Active 0.2 08/31/2025 (S)
020 Sunoco LLC Active 107 03/31/2026 (S)
021 Jimmy's Trucking Inc. Not Active 0 07/31/2026 (S)
022 DSV Solutions LLC Active 39.5 12/31/2026 (S)
025 BMW of North America, LLC Active 26 03/31/2027 (S)
027 MODAEXPRESS of USA, Inc. Active 7.7 02/28/2028 (S)
029 Dynamic Distribution Services, Inc. Active 0.5 09/30/2025 (S)
030 Harbor Freight Transport Corp. Active 13 07/31/2026 (S)
031 JV Delivers LLC Active 0.16 06/30/2026 (S)
033 Glendale Warehouse & Distribution Corporation Active 24.4 08/31/2026 (S)
035 East West CFS, Inc. Active 1.77 12/31/2026 (S)
038 Moda Express of USA, Inc. Active 7.7 06/30/2025 (S)
039 DSV Air & Sea, Inc. Active 10.49 10/31/2025 (S)
040 Weida Freight System, Inc. Active 2.9 12/31/2025 (S)
041 Schenker Inc. Active 6.249 01/31/2026 (S)
042 Dana Transport, Inc. Approved 0 06/30/2026 (S)
043 Sakar International, Inc. Approved 0 07/31/2026 (S)
044 All In Logistics, LLC Approved 0 10/31/2026 (S)
045 Accem Warehouse, Inc. Approved 0 12/31/2026 (S)
046 Global Interactive Logistics Active 0.58 01/31/2027 (S)
047 LMD Integrated Logistics Services, Inc. Active 5.2 02/28/2027 (S)
048 Mainfreight, Inc. Approved 0 08/31/2027 (S)
049 Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. Approved 0 02/29/2028 (S)
Subzone Number Company Name Status
00B GM Approved
00C Bristol-Myers Squibb Active
00E Phillips 66 Company Active
00F Buckeye Perth Amboy Terminal LLC Not Active
00G Hewlett-Packard Approved
00H Firmenich Active
00I EMD Performance Materials Corporation Not Active
00J Movado Group Active
00K In Mocean Group, LLC Approved
00L The Swatch Group (U.S.) Inc. Active
00M LVMH Watch and Jewelry U.S.A, Inc. Active
00O Western Carriers, Inc. Active
00P Trans ICO LLC Not Active
00Q Kinder Morgan Liquids Terminals LLC Active
00R Glendale Warehouse & Distribution Corporation Active
00T Catalent Pharma Solutions Active
00U Celgene Corporation Active
00V Reliable Healthcare Logistics LLC Approved
00W Getinge Group Logistics Americas LLC Active
00X Valbruna Stainless, Inc. Active
00Y Merck, Sharp & Dohme LLC Active
00Z Sanofi US Services, Inc. Approved
Number Category Company Name
S-229-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification East West CFS, Inc.
S-083-2021 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Adagio Teas, Inc.
S-185-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Woodfield Distribution LLC
S-085-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Harbor Freight Transport Corp.
S-100-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification JV Delivers LLC
S-130-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Pitney Bowes
S-100-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Dynamic Distribution Services, Inc.
A(27f)-33-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Trade Zone Operations, Inc.
S-192-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification DSV Solutions LLC
S-013-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Fashion Logistics, Inc. (Site 23)
S-003-2018 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Jimmy's Trucking Inc.
S-012-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Fashion Logistics, Inc. (Site 24)
S-051-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification BMW of North America, LLC
S-106-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Jimmy's Trucking Inc.
S-031-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification NuStar Terminals Operations Partnership, L.P.
S-110-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Schenker, Inc.
S-125-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Bergen Shippers Corp DBA Bergen L gistics
S-099-2015 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Inc.
S-098-2015 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
S-008-2015 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Western Carriers, Inc.
S-001-2014 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Western Carriers, Inc.
S-110-2013 TSF Minor Boundary Modification BMW of North America, LLC
S-096-2014 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
S-117-2013 TSF Minor Boundary Modification National Retail Transportation, Inc.
S-030-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Modaexpress of USA, Inc.
S-070-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Western Carriers, Inc.
S-169-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Panalpina, Inc.
A(27f)-54-2010 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Port Authority of NY & NJ
S-162-2021 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Global Interactive Logistics
S-095-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Moda Express of USA, Inc.
S-189-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification DSV Air & Sea, Inc.
S-180-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Dynamic Distribution Services, Inc.
S-221-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Weida Freight System, Inc.
S-014-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Schenker Inc.
S-112-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Dana Transport, Inc.
S-120-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Harbor Freight Transport Corp.
S-129-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Sakar International, Inc.
S-199-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification All In Logistics, LLC
S-016-2024 ASF Minor Boundary Modification LMD Integrated Logistics Services, Inc.
S-144-2024 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
S-158-2024 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Mainfreight, Inc.
S-022-2025 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Expeditors International of WA, Inc.
Number Subject Company Status
B-056-2014 FTZ 49--Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey; Application for Reorganization and Expansion Under Alternative Site Framework Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 1982 Reorganization and Expansion of FTZ 49 Under Alternative Site Framework, Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
05-2009 FTZ 49 -- Newark, New Jersey Area, Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 1634 Expansion of FTZ 49, Newark, New Jersey, Area Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 0365 Approval for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 49, Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey Area, Within the New York Customs Port of Entry Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
26-1988 Foreign-Trade Zone 49 -- Newark/Elizabeth, NJ; Application for Subzone Agfa-Gevaert West Caldwell, NJ; Specialty Photographic Paper Plant Agfa-Gevaert, Inc. Completed
B-047-2020 FTZ 49-- Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Catalent Pharma Solutions (Pharmaceutical Products); Somerset, New Jersey Catalent Pharma Solutions Completed
B-047-2020 Authorization of Production Activity; Catalent Pharma Solutions (Pharmaceutical Products), Somerset, New Jersey Catalent Pharma Solutions Completed
Ord: 0211 Approval for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 49, Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey, Within the New York Customs Port of Entry Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
16-1989 Foreign-Trade Zone 49 -- Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey; Application for Expanison Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
03-1982 Foreign-Trade Zone 49; Newark/Elizabeth, N.J.; Extension of Comments Period Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
03-1982 Foreign-Trade Zone 49; Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey; Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
03-1982 Foreign-Trade Zone 49; Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey; Extension of Comments Period Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
26-1988 Foreign-Trade Zone 49 -- Newark/Elizabeth, NJ; Withdrawal of Request for Subzone Status for Agfa-Gevaert, Inc. Agfa-Gevaert, Inc. Completed
Ord: 0470 Approval for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 49 Newark, New Jersey, Area Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
33-1985 Foreign-Trade Zone 49, Newark/Elizabeth, NJ; Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
33-1985 Foreign-Trade Zone 49, Newark/Elizabeth, NJ; Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
11-1999 FTZ49, Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 1067 Expansion of FTZ 49, Newark/Elizabeth, NJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
41-2005 FTZ 49 -- Newark, New Jersey, Area, Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 1446 Expansion of FTZ 49, Newark, New Jersey, Area Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
78-2011 FTZ 49--Newark/Elizabeth, NJ; Application for Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Review
Ord: 1884 Expansion of FTZ 49 Newark/Elizabeth, New Jersey Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
B-003-2014 FTZ 49--Notification of Proposed Production Activity, Western Carriers, Inc., (Kitting of Liquor Gift Sets), North Bergen, NJ Western Carriers, Inc. Completed
B-003-2014 FTZ 49--Authorization of Production Activity; Western Carriers, Inc. (Kitting of Liquor Gift Sets), North Bergen, New Jersey Western Carriers, Inc. Completed
23-2006 FTZ 49 -- Newark, New Jersey, Area, Application For Expansion Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed
Ord: 1504 Expansion of FTZ 49; Newark, New Jersey Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Completed