Zone Details
Grantee Information
Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
Detroit, MI
Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties, as well as a portion of Lenawee County
MI, Detroit
W. Steven Olinek
P.O. Box 32829
Site Number Site Name Status Activated Acres Sunset/Expiration Date
003 Metro Airport Center Industrial Park 0 01/31/2028 (S)
004 Material Handling Services Limited Approved 0 08/31/2025 (S)
005 Lynch Road Active 0.7 01/31/2028 (S)
006 Metro International Trade Services, Inc. Active 2.5 01/31/2028 (S)
009 Trans Overseas Corporation Active 1.07 01/31/2028 (S)
010 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Active 9.4 01/31/2028 (S)
011 Metro International Trade Services, Inc. Active 6 01/31/2028 (E)
012 Delta Air Lines Fuel System Active 87 01/31/2026 (S)
020 Technology Ventures, Inc. Approved 0 05/31/2025 (S)
022 Metro International Trade Services, Inc. Active 12 01/31/2028 (S)
037 W.F Whelan Company Active 46.18 01/31/2028 (S)
043 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Active 5 05/31/2026 (S)
051 SOLO World Partners LLC Active 7 01/31/2028 (S)
060 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Active 1.4 03/31/2026 (S)
062 Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America, Inc. Active 11.18 05/31/2026 (S)
069 Transpak, Inc. Active 0.25 11/30/2027 (S)
070 W.F. Whelan Company Active 19.22 10/31/2026 (S)
071 International Warehousing Services Active 3.86 12/31/2026 (S)
075 Marimba Auto LLC Active 2.05 08/31/2027 (S)
077 Fluid Equipment Development Company LLC Active 5 10/31/2027 (S)
078 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Active 7.2 02/28/2028 (S)
081 Pacific Industrial Development Corporation Active 4.14 11/30/2025 (S)
083 Metro International Trade Services LLC Active 8.77 12/31/2025 (S)
087 Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. Active 7.12 08/31/2027 (S)
088 Vayan Group, LLC Active 2.597 11/30/2027 (S)
089 Hill Machine Works, LLC Approved 0 09/30/2025 (S)
090 L.S. Wholesale, Inc. Active 0.02 09/30/2025 (S)
091 Metro International Trade Services LLC Active 10.3 02/28/2026 (S)
092 Progressive Distribution Centers 0 11/30/2026 (S)
093 International Warehousing Services 0 02/28/2027 (S)
094 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Approved 0 03/31/2028 (S)
095 Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. Approved 0 03/31/2028 (S)
Subzone Number Company Name Status
00K General Motors Corporation Not Active
00L General Motors Corporation Not Active
00S BASF Corporation Not Active
00T Marathon Ashland Petroleum LP Approved
00U Wacker Chemical Corporation Active
00V Panther Holding Company LLC Approved
00X Brose New Boston, Inc. Approved
00Y BW Retail Solutions, LLC Approved
00Z Warrior Sports, Inc. Approved
Number Category Company Name
S-197-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification V Logistics, LLC
A(27f)-64-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, LLC
A(27f)-62-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, LLC
A(27f)-49-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers
A(27f)-28-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, LLC
A(27f)-13-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro
A(27f)-14-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling
A(27f)-49-2008 TSF Minor Boundary Modification
A(27f)-53-2008 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International
A(27f)-61-2008 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro
A(27f)-89-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services
A(27f)-103-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services (9303 W Jefferson)
A(27f)-121-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Nicholson Terminal & Dock Company
A(27f)-66-2009 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Greater Detroit Foreign Trade Zone, Inc.
A(27f)-01-2010 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, LLC
A(27f)-38-2010 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
A(27f)-90-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services
S-133-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Marimba Auto LLC
S-153-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Detroit Bikes, LLC
S-191-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Marimba Auto LLC
S-180-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Fluid Equipment Development Company LLC
S-210-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Transpak, Inc.
S-025-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc.
S-137-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc.
S-114-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Cross Technologies Group, Inc. dba Cross Chemical Company, Inc.
S-174-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Corrigan Air & Sea Cargo
S-253-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services LLC
S-257-2019 Termination W.F. Whelan Company
S-237-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Pacific Industrial Development Corporation
S-243-2019 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metal Ox Warehousing and Logistics LLC
S-031-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Company
S-065-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Henry Bath LLC
A(27f)-03-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification W. F. Whelan Company
S-108-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc.
S-079-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc.
S-078-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc.
S-156-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services LLC
S-119-2020 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services LLC
S-039-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Systems
S-038-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification CHAT of Michigan, Inc.
S-185-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, Inc.
S-169-2017 Termination W.F. Whelan Company
S-200-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification International Warehousing Services
S-168-2017 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Company
S-081-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification MetalStore LLC
S-080-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Thyssen Krupp Supply Chain Services NA, Inc.
S-038-2018 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Company
S-130-2014 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Dearborn Steel Center, Inc.
S-112-2014 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Detroit Steel Company
S-116-2014 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Company
S-080-2015 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services, Ltd.
S-126-2015 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Company
S-128-2016 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, Inc.
S-098-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services Limited
S-073-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Technology Ventures, Inc.
S-053-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Dearborn Steel Center, Inc.
S-155-2015 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Transpak, Inc.
S-037-2016 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services, Ltd.
S-053-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services LLC
S-078-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification W. F. Whelan Co.
S-128-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.
S-061-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Michelin North America (Site 18)
S-076-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services, Ltd. (Huron Drive)
S-093-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Detroit Steel Corporation
S-085-2014 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Pacorini Metals USA, LLC
S-049-2014 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America, Inc.
S-013-2014 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International
S-131-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, Inc.
S-113-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Les-Sue, Inc.
S-116-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services, Ltd.
S-125-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Detroit Steel Company
S-161-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services, Ltd.
S-007-2014 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Port of Monroe
S-177-2013 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Systems
A(27f)-41-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Michelin North America
A(27f)-38-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification SOLO World Partners LLC
A(27f)-33-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification W.F. Whelan Co.
S-088-2012 TSF Minor Boundary Modification SECO Tools, Inc.
A(27f)-91-2010 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services
A(27f)-93-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services
A(27f)-72-2010 TSF Minor Boundary Modification W. F. Whelan Company
A(27f)-04-2011 TSF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services, Inc.
S-113-2021 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
S-173-2021 ASF Minor Boundary Modification ATCO Industries, Inc.
S-146-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Material Handling Services Limited
S-168-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Hill Machine Works, LLC
S-178-2022 ASF Minor Boundary Modification L.S. Wholesale, Inc.
S-031-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification L.S. Wholesale, Inc.
S-028-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Metro International Trade Services LLC
S-070-2023 Termination Multiple
S-213-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers
S-216-2023 Termination Metro International Trade Services, LLC
S-036-2024 ASF Minor Boundary Modification International Warehousing Services
S-060-2025 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. - Enterprise Drive
S-061-2025 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Progressive Distribution Centers, Inc. - Lynch Road
Number Subject Company Status
Ord: 0456 Resolution and Order Approving the Application of the Greater Detroit Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., for Special-Purpose Subzone Status at Chrysler Auto Components Plants in the Detroit, MI, Area Chrysler Corporation Completed
14-2010 FTZ 70--Detroit, MI: Application for Expansion Correction Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
40-1984 Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI; Application for Reorganization Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 0471 Approval for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 70 Detroit, Michigan, Area Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 0299 Approval for Reorganization of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 70, Within the Detroit Customs Port of Entry Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
35-1992 Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone--Marysville, Michigan (Port Huron Customs Port of Entry); Application Filed Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
B-076-2018 Notification of Proposed Production Activity, Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC (Energy Recovery Turbines and Centrifugal Pumps), Monroe, Michigan Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC Completed
B-013-2019 Notification of Proposed Production Activity; Detroit Bikes LLC (Electric and Non-Electric Cycles), Detroit, Michigan Detroit Bikes, LLC Completed
B-076-2018 Authorization of Production Activity, Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC (Energy Recovery Turbines and Centrifugal Pumps), Monroe, Michigan Fluid Equipment Development Company, LLC Completed
B-013-2019 FTZ 70--Authorization of Production Activity; Detroit Bikes LLC (Electric and Non-Electric Cycles), Detroit, Michigan Detroit Bikes, LLC Completed
B-021-2020 FTZ 70-- Notification of Proposed Production Activity, Pacific Industrial Development Corporation (Zeolites, Specialty Alumina Products, Rare Earth Powders and Aqueous Solutions), Ann Arbor, Michigan Pacific Industrial Development Corporation Completed
B-021-2020 Authorization of Production Activity; Pacific Industrial Development Corporation (Zeolites, Specialty Alumina Products, Rare Earth Powders and Aqueous Solutions); Ann Arbor, Michigan Pacific Industrial Development Corporation Completed
20-1987 Foreign-Trade Zone 70--Detroit, Michigan Withdrawal of Application for Subzone Status for American Yazaki Corporation American Yazaki Corporation Completed
24-1989 Foreign-Trade Zone 70--Detroit, Michigan Withdrawal of Application for Subzone Status for Alps Electric (USA), Inc. Alps Electric (USA), Inc. Completed
Ord: 0802 Expansion of FTZ 70, Detroit, Michigan, Area Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
20-1995 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 0843 Expansion of FTZ 70; Detroit, MI Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
35-1992 Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone--Marysville, MI; Withdrawal of Application Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 0652 Approval of Export Processing Activity; Total Foods Corporation (Confectionery Blends); Within Foreign-Trade Zone 70; Detroit, MI Total Foods Corporation Completed
Ord: 1719 Expansion of FTZ 70; Detroit, Michigan Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
08-1996 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan; Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
B-046-2012 FTZ 70--Detroit, MI Application for Reorganization Under Alternative Site Framework Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 1878 Reorganization of FTZ 70 Under Alternative Site Framework, Detroit, MI Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
B-010-2016 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan; Application for Reorganization (Expansion of Service Area) Under Alternative Site Framework Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 2007 Reorganization of FTZ 70 (Expansion of Service Area) Under Alternative Site Framework; Detroit, Michigan Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
53-2005 FTZ 84 - Houston, Texas, FTZ 38 - Spartanburg Co., South Carolina, FTZ 126 - Reno, Nevada, FTZ 70 - Detroit, Michigan, Request for Manufacturing Authority, Michelin North America (Wheel Assembly) Michelin North America Completed
Ord: 1476 Approval of Requests for Manufacturing Authority, Within Four FTZ Distribution Facilities - Michelin North America, Inc., (Wheel Assemblies) Michelin North America Completed
41-2006 FTZ 70 -- Detroit, Michigan, Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 1515 Expansion of FTZ 70, Detroit, Michigan Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
07-1980 Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone-- City of Detroit, Mich.; Application and Public Hearing City of Detroit Completed
08-1980 Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone and Subzone Facilities-- Greater Detroit Metropolitan Area; Application and Public Hearing Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
10-1988 Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI; Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 1162 Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
56-2000 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan Area, Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
42-2000 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan Area; Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
08-1980 Consolidation of Foreign-Trade Zones Applications; Greater Detroit Area Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
21-2004 FTZ 70--Detroit, MI; Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
21-2004 FTZ 70--Detroit, Michigan Application for Expansion; Correction Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
Ord: 1395 Expansion of FTZ 70; Detroit, MI, Area Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
20-1987 Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI; Application for Subzone, Yazaki Wiring Harness Plant, Wayne County, MI Yazaki Wiring Harness Plant Completed
14-2010 FTZ 70 - Detroit, Michigan, Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
13-1987 Application for Subzone Chrysler Auto Components Plants, Detroit Area; Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, MI Chrysler Corporation Completed
Ord: 0176 Resolution and Order Approving the Application of the Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., for a Foreign-Trade Zone in the Detroit Metropolitan Area Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
17-1989 Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, Michigan; Application for Expansion Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed
24-1989 Foreign-Trade Zone 70, Detroit, Michigan; Application for Subzone Alps Auto Parts Plant, Auburn Hills, MI Alps Electric (USA), Inc. Completed
Ord: 0453 Foreign-Trade Zones Board; Approval for Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 70 Greater Detroit Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc. Completed