Zone Details
Grantee Information
County of Culpeper
Culpeper County
Culpeper, Greene, Madison, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, and Warren Counties
VA, Front Royal
Bryan Rothamel
803 S. Main Street
Site Number Site Name Status Activated Acres Sunset/Expiration Date
002 Culpeper County Industrial Airpark 0
004 Kontoor US, LLC Approved 0 02/28/2026 (S)
Subzone Number Company Name Status
00C Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC Approved
Number Category Company Name
S-023-2023 ASF Minor Boundary Modification Kontoor US, LLC
Number Subject Company Status
Ord: 0945 Expansion of Foreign-Trade Zone 185 Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
48-2002 FTZ 185-- Application For Foreign-Trade Subzone Status, Flint Ink North America Corporation (Pigments, Inks, and Varnish Products) Weyers Cave, VA Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
48-2002 Flint Ink North America Corporation--Applications For Foreign-Trade Subzone Status; Extension of Comment Period Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
Ord: 0578 Order Approving With Restriction the Application of the Culpeper-County Chamber of Commerce, Inc., for a General-Purpose Foreign-Trade Zone Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
35-1996 FTZ 185--Culpeper County, Virginia Application for Expansion Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
B-078-2012 FTZ 185--Culpeper County, VA Application for Reorganization Under Alternative Site Framework County of Culpeper Review
Ord: 1930 Reorganization of FTZ 185 Under Alternative Site Framework; Culpeper County, VA County of Culpeper Completed
20-1990 Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone in Culpeper County, VA; Application and Public Hearing Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
23-2007 FTZ 185 - Culpeper County, Virginia, Application for Expansion Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
48-2002 Flint Ink North America Corporation--Applications for Foreign- Trade Subzone Status; Extension of Comment Period Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
48-2002 Flint Ink North America Corporation--Applications For Foreign-Trade Subzone Status; Extension of Comment Period Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
48-2002 FTZ 185-Application For Foreign-Trade Subzone Status, Flint Ink North America Corporation, Weyers Cave, VA; Correction Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
48-2002 Withdrawal of Applications for Subzone Status for Flint Ink North America Corporation Plants Flint Ink North America Corporation Completed
Ord: 1550 Expansion of FTZ 185 Culpeper County, VA Culpeper County Chamber of Commerce Completed
Ord: 1677 Designation of New Grantee, FTZ 185, Culpeper, Virginia County of Culpeper Completed